The Lambretta TV175 Series 3 was launched in March 1962 and it was the first scooter supplied with an internal disc brake. It was a remarkable change from the previous TV175 series 2 with new sleek slim styling. The front shock absorbers were enhanced with extra dampers as in the previous TV series 2 models. The TV series 3 also had larger silent blocks than the previous engines and it had a very good reputation as a smooth and well-balanced scooter with great handling attributes. The larger engined TV200 quickly followed the TV175 slim style in early 1963 at the specific request of the British importer Lambretta Concessionaires who wanted an even more powerful model than the TV175 to satisfy their customer base. Genuine TV200 Lambrettas were instantly recognised as the GT200 to differentiate them from the TV175 models. The first versions had Li style panels and the later versions had SX type panels with polished flashes:
TV200 – 1st version
(March 1962 until December 1963)
Side-panel buffers made entirely from rubber. TV 175 rear frame badge with white background, until end of 1962 speedo-cable with small square point. Until September 1962 four-pole magneto.
TV200 – 2nd version
(December 1963 until May 1965)
Special side-panels, side- panel buffers with clip, TV 175 rear frame badge with blue background.
TV200 – 3rd version
(May 1965 until October 1965)
The chromed headset ring disappears.